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Friday, 20 August 2021


The 1986 nuclear disaster in Ukraine was responsible for long-lasting and far-reaching effects on the health, environment, food supply, and economy of the entire Soviet Union, and far beyond it's borders. The full extent of the disaster will never be known for sure. But one result, one that was not unwelcome in the capitals of the West, was the demise of the Soviet government a few years later.

A short search will turn up many articles to the effect that the incident in Ukraine was one of the most important factors in that breakdown. Mikael Gorbachov, the leader of the Soviet Union at the time, himself believes it. And he should be in a position to know if anyone is.

But there is a group of people in the U.K. who also are in a position to know. And they agree with him. The Gourvenec family of Sheffield, England, are certain the Chernobyl meltdown was important in destroying the Soviet system and creating the current global order. And, according to one member of that family, whom I spent nearly two months interviewing for several hours each day, they too are in a position to know.

Eve Martin, the member of the extended Gourvenec clan who blew the whistle on her adopted family's activities,  told me she was herself a witness to her two uncles, acting as agents of the British government, sabotaging the reactor. She said she, a child at the time, was taken along as part of an elaborate cover story to explain what the adults in her family were doing in the area of the reactor. She described the interior of the control room and exactly what was done, and by whom to bring about the failure the news media persist in refering to as an "accident".

But the nuclear reactor failure, major as it was, was not the whole story. According to Eve, it was only a part of a long-lasting and nationwide campaign of sabotage by the Western powers directed at the destruction of the Soviet economy. And many, if not most, of those acts of sabotage and terrorism were done by the Gourvenecs.

The Gorvenec family are a criminal organization that has existed for at least several generations. They are mercenaries, specializing in sabotage, assassinations, blackmail, child sex trafficking and extortion and in the U.K. they are regarded as so valuable to the Crown that the police and the Crown Prosecution Service have orders from above not to interfere with them no matter what they do.

Eve said she was forced starting in childhood to help in some of their plots, and while she is angry at her elders for their frequent horifying abuse of her and feels guilty for some of the things she was forced to do, she also, in a clear example of Stockholm Syndrome Stockholm Syndrome: The Psychological Mystery of Loving an , is at times rather proud of their abilities and accomplishments. She is not only convinced their work resulted in the fall of the Soviet Union, but that it was a good thing and well worth the horrendous damage it did and the lives it cost. Although she has a lot of regrets about some of the things she was forced to do, this is not one of them.

All this is not just ancient history. The Gourvenecs are still active in carrying out both private sector crimes of their own for financial gain, and the policies of the U.K., or at least the policies of the upper levels of the U.K. Establishment. And in the increasingly tense situations of today's world, a band of highly-skilled criminal mercenaries with the capacity to carry out such covert operations is a serious danger to the peace and safety of the world.




Eve  Martin told me that at the time of the first Gulf war, when she would have been about 19 years old, she was taken to Kuwait on a mission. She said she had no choice; that she would have been killed if she refused to go. I was skeptical and attempted to raise several objections to that. I pointed out that she was over the age of 18, an adult, and nobody could legally force her to go anyplace. I said they could not take her out of the U.K. because all she had to do was to raise a fuss while passing through airport security at Heathrow, and say she was being kidnapped, and her uncles would have been detained by the police until she was out of their sight at least, and could get away. She insisted that would not have happened, that no matter what she said, the police would not do anything to help her escape. 

I suggested that since she would have had to have a passport to leave the country, she could have managed to give her uncle the slip in the crowded airport concourse and buy a ticket for immediate departure to some other country at the airport check-in desk of some other airline and never go back to the U.K. She insisted she would not have been allowed to board an airplane without clearance from her uncles.

She was taken along to be used as bait to lure Iraqi sentries away from their posts to a spot where her brothers could ambush them. And on one occasion their position was attacked and she was forced to fire upon a small detachment of oncoming Iraqi troops. She feels guilty about this because they were only conscripts following orders, but she says she had no choice because they were the "enemy".

When I pointed out that she was also a conscript and her real enemies were not the Iraqis, but the Gourvenecs who had forced her into this situation, she seemed unable to follow the logic of that. This reminded me of American draftees in Viet Nam who considered the Viet Cong their enemies, and failed to realize the Viet Cong were not their enemies and their real enemy was the American government that had forced them to go there. 

The Gourvenecs' mission was to set Kuwaiti oil fields on fire. The oil well fires resulting from the war were one of the worst environmental disasters in history, with repercussions throughout the Middle East, and as far as India. It will take centuries for the environment to recover, if it ever does.

A search for information on the oil field fires showed that more than 700 oil wells were set on fire, and mines were deployed around the wells to delay fire-fighters from fighting the fires until the mines could be removed. The wartime propaganda at the time was that the retreating Iraqi army had set the fires as a scorched earth policy to cover their retreat.

Eve  said the purpose of the mission to set Kuwaiti oil fields on fire was part of a wartime propaganda effort to "demonize" Sadam Hussein in the eyes of the world. This was done at the request of the British government. A  secondary purpose was to obtain the lucrative fire-fighting contract to put out the fires for the U.S. based oil field fire-fighting company headed by the late Red O'dair. Apparently both were paying the Gourvenecs for the job without either being aware the other was also paying for it and it would have been done anyway. 

There are several implication of this story. If Eve's two uncles set those fires, and also deployed the mines around the wells, at least one of them must have had some miltary training in demolitions handling. Eve told me neither of her uncles had ever served in the armed forces.  The only place they could have received that sort of training would be at a school run by the Ministry of Defense for SAS special forces personel, so some sort of special arrangement must have been made for a civilian to attend such a course. 

Another implication is that since they could not have carried that much demolition material in their baggage on board an aircraft, they must have been able to obtain it, along with transport, from British military forces in Kuwait. They would also have needed documents and passwords to pass through American or British checkpoints on their way to the front. 

All of this is first-hand eyewitness testimony from an eyewitness who has withstood hours of interrogation and cross-examination and it all adds up to a British covert operation by a private mercenary group of highly trained secret service agents, with full co-operation of the MOD. 

An operation that violated international law, did an enormous amount of environmental damage, and utilized involuntary slave labor in doing it.


The Farm

In the 1980s and into the 90s, the Gourvenec family maintained a rural property somewhere on the West Coast that they refered to as "The Farm". This was not a working farm, but was used as a rural retreat and base for their operations in California. Eve was never specific about the location, leading me to suspect the property is still in use.

A search of California, Washington, and Oregon real estate records for the name, Gourvenec, might show something. If the place can be located, I would then want to use a side-scaning radar of the type often employed by archeologists to search for buried bodies there.


In The Interests Of National Security.............

The informant alleges that her uncles would have been able to find her if she had gone to a battered women's shelter, despite the fact that the locations of such shelters are usually kept secret. She also claims they would have been able to penetrate a police witness protection program. 

Apparently, when she was a teenager, she ran away and lived on the streets in London for a time, but when she went to a shelter for runaways, her uncle showed up there and took her home, despite the shelter workers insisting they had not told anyone she was there. I am under the impression such shelters normally keep confidential the names of runaways who contact them, but if the police asked them to contact them if a particular individual came in and told them it was a case of national security, they probably would do so. 

She further insists they could have known if she attempted to leave England, even if she bought her ticket at the airport just before the flight, and could have had her detained at the immigration desk and prevented from leaving the country. This implies access to immigration and airline computer databases and the co-operation of police at the airports. She further says the same could have been true at seaports, and that even if she had gotten across the Channel, they had close ties in both the French and Belgian governments. However, when I asked if that was true of other governments, for example, Switzerland, she took some time to think about it, then admitted the Swiss government might refuse to collaborate with them. In view of Swiss neutrality in the Cold War, that is likely if her family does indeed represent the U.K. government. 

When I pointed out that there is no passport control on the ferry from Scotland to Northern Ireland and then on the land border beteen the U.K. and the Irish Republic, she seemed very interested and thought about it for some time. She apparently had not been aware of that escape route out of the country and seemed happy to discover it. I consider this another indication her story is true because if she was making things up to exagerate the power of her abusers as many abuse victims do, she would have insisted they could seal that route also. 

She also said one uncle had once been diagnosed as a psychopath, but was released from the mental institution despite a court order of commitment being still in effect. This implies influence over either the National Health Service or the courts or both.

She told me that, as an adolescent, she had twice attempted to make complaints to the police and the Crown Prosecutor's Office, but both times she was ignored. For the police to ignore a complaint by a woman that she was forced into sexual slavery seems highly unlikely in England. And few prosecutors ignore presentable articulate witnesses who express a desire to testify. 

She also said her family had extensive contacts in the Asian community in England. Since her family is not of Muslim or Asian origin, and from what she says they are quite conservative in their social attitudes, that indicates such contacts might have been deliberately cultivated. In this connection it may be of some significance that according to her, the ancestor who started the family on this path in the late 19th century or early 20th century, was the second son of an earl. As a second son, he would not have inherited the title or real estate, but would have had the family contacts and connections in high places. 

All this adds up to a probability that the Gourvenec family is not a private, free-lance criminal gang, but a semi-official branch of the British government's covert operations capacity.



Die Geister Die Ich Rief

 Eve Martin told me the tsunami that caused the nuclear reactor problem in Fukushima, Japan, was accidentally caused by one of her uncles in a failed extortion attempt. Apparently, he was only trying to demonstrate a small earthquake as evidence he could do it in order to extort money from the Japanese government, but the equipment he used unintentionally triggered an underwater earthquake off-shore, much stronger than he had expected and in a different location than he had planned, and that caused the tsunami which damaged the reactor.

Eve did not know details of the equipment, but from what she did know, I suspect it was a mechanical oscillator something like the so-called "earthquake machine" invented in the late 19th century by Nikola Tesla. That device was a sort of vibrator that allegedly could vibrate  at the "resonance frequency" of the bedrock it was attached to and make it vibrate enough that in a fault zone where some underlying instability already existed, underground rock strata would slip and start an earhquake.

Several attempts have been made to test out this method of creating earthquakes, and so far as has been made public, they have all failed. Of course, if someone had succeeded, they would probably be smart enough to keep quiet and not say anything for fear of being held liable for earthquake damages. But on close examination of the reports that have been made public, none of these failed attempts has taken into account the pre-existing conditions underground.

It is very unlikely this method could cause an earthquake "from scratch", in a randomly selected location, but that does not mean it could not trigger an earthquake in a major fault zone where there were already stresses built up and stored energy waiting to be released. In such a place, under such conditions of an "earthquake waiting to happen", it might not take too much artificial vibration to make things underground start to slip, while in a location without such potential energy in waiting it would be nearly impossible to obtain the same results.

As a result of this debacle, when Eve's uncle returned home to the U.K., the rest of the family decided in a family meeting that he was going crazy and was a threat to the family, so he was executed by one of Eve's stepbrothers. Eve was present at the execution and after her brother had shot her uncle, whom she had always hated, as he was dying, she leaned over and said to him,
"You know you're going to Hell, don't you?"


Indications Of Semi-official Status Of The Gourvenec family

The informant alleges that her uncles would have been able to find her if she had gone to a battered women's shelter, despite the fact that the locations of such shelters are usually kept secret. She also claims they would have been able to penetrate a police witness protection program.

Apparently, when she was a teenager, she ran away and lived on the streets in London for a time, but when she went to a shelter for runaways, her uncle showed up there and took her home, despite the shelter workers insisting they had not told anyone she was there. I am under the impression shuch shelters normally keep confidential the names of runaways who contact them, but if the police asked them to contact them if a particular individual came in, they probably would
​ ​
​have to ​
​do so.

She further insists they could have known if she attempted to leave England, even if she bought her ticket at the airport just before the flight, and could have had her detained at the immigration desk and prevented from leaving the country. This implies access to immigration and airline computer databases and the co-operation of police at the airports. She further says the same could have been true at seaports, and that even if she had gotten across the Channel, they had close ties in both the French and Belgian governments. However, when I asked if that was true of other governments, for example, Switzerland, she admitted the Swiss government might refuse to collaborate with them. In view of Swiss neutrality in the Cold War, that is likely if her family does indeed represent the U.K. government.

She claims her uncle had an impressive array of unusual skills, including hand-to-hand combat, covert entry into buildings, forgery of documents, and handling of explosives. That last is a common skill in the U.S. in the mining industry, and in blasting new roadbeds in remote areas, but the U.K. lacks such industries and the only place to learn how to handle demolitions is in the armed forces, which she says her uncles were never in.

She also said one uncle had once been diagnosed as a psychopath, but was released from the mental institution despite a court order of commitment.

She told me that, as an adolescent, she had twice attempted to make complaints to the police and the Crown Prosecutor's Office, but both times she was ignored. For the police to ignore a complaint by a woman that she was forced into sexual slavery seems highly unlikely in England
​ unless some high-level influence was involved​
. And few prosecutors ignore presentable articulate witnesses who express a desire to testify.

She also said her family had extensive contacts in the Asian community in England. Since none of them is Muslim or of Asian origin, and from what she says they are quite conservative in their social attitudes, that indicates such contacts might have been deliberately cultivated. In this connection it may be of some significance that according to her, the ancestor who started the family on this path in the late 19th century or early 20th century, was the second son of an earl. As a second son, he would not have inherited the title or real estate, but would have had the family contacts and connections in high places.

All this adds up to a probability that the Gourvenec family is not a private, free-lance criminal gang, but a semi-official branch of the British government's covert operations capacity.


Iraq & Sadam

Eve Martin told me in passing that she and some members of her family, acting as mercenaries and intelligence operatives on behalf of the British government, spent some time in Iraq, living in the palace of Sadam Hus​s​ein during the early 1990s.​

 She did not say what British intelligence operatives were doing in the headquarters of a nation with whom their country was still technically at war​, and I did not ask. But the implication is that despite the impression given to the world at large, the Western intelligence services had some sort of understanding or arrangement with Sadam.

She did, however, display a very pĆ³sitive attitude toward Sadam
Huss​ein, describing him as "a big Teddy Bear". She seemed to like him. Well, we all know the picture of him and his government painted by the Western media was as false as it could be. And it is not unusual for a strong leader to be both ruthless in his political dealings and charming and charismatic in his personal relationships.

This personal evaluation, so very different to the official narative sold to the public in the West, stands in stark contrast to Eve's evaluation of Osama Bin Ladin, with whom she also was aquainted in the course of her career as an unwilling conscript into the British intelligence community, and whom she hated and considered a psychopath. Clearly, she was not being influenced by any ideological considerations, but by direct observations.

This positive view based on direct, first-hand personal contact, of a man so demonized by the media, taken along with the presense of Western operatives stationed in his headquarters, can only make one wonder how many​ of the other things told us by the official sources ​and the government-controlled media are​ likewise a carefully crafted deception intended to stir up hatred for the officially ​designated​ enemy​ du jour while, in fact, that same officially designated "enemy" is playing a role on the public stage according to the same script and both sides are working together towards some common goal.