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Friday, 20 August 2021


The 1986 nuclear disaster in Ukraine was responsible for long-lasting and far-reaching effects on the health, environment, food supply, and economy of the entire Soviet Union, and far beyond it's borders. The full extent of the disaster will never be known for sure. But one result, one that was not unwelcome in the capitals of the West, was the demise of the Soviet government a few years later.

A short search will turn up many articles to the effect that the incident in Ukraine was one of the most important factors in that breakdown. Mikael Gorbachov, the leader of the Soviet Union at the time, himself believes it. And he should be in a position to know if anyone is.

But there is a group of people in the U.K. who also are in a position to know. And they agree with him. The Gourvenec family of Sheffield, England, are certain the Chernobyl meltdown was important in destroying the Soviet system and creating the current global order. And, according to one member of that family, whom I spent nearly two months interviewing for several hours each day, they too are in a position to know.

Eve Martin, the member of the extended Gourvenec clan who blew the whistle on her adopted family's activities,  told me she was herself a witness to her two uncles, acting as agents of the British government, sabotaging the reactor. She said she, a child at the time, was taken along as part of an elaborate cover story to explain what the adults in her family were doing in the area of the reactor. She described the interior of the control room and exactly what was done, and by whom to bring about the failure the news media persist in refering to as an "accident".

But the nuclear reactor failure, major as it was, was not the whole story. According to Eve, it was only a part of a long-lasting and nationwide campaign of sabotage by the Western powers directed at the destruction of the Soviet economy. And many, if not most, of those acts of sabotage and terrorism were done by the Gourvenecs.

The Gorvenec family are a criminal organization that has existed for at least several generations. They are mercenaries, specializing in sabotage, assassinations, blackmail, child sex trafficking and extortion and in the U.K. they are regarded as so valuable to the Crown that the police and the Crown Prosecution Service have orders from above not to interfere with them no matter what they do.

Eve said she was forced starting in childhood to help in some of their plots, and while she is angry at her elders for their frequent horifying abuse of her and feels guilty for some of the things she was forced to do, she also, in a clear example of Stockholm Syndrome Stockholm Syndrome: The Psychological Mystery of Loving an , is at times rather proud of their abilities and accomplishments. She is not only convinced their work resulted in the fall of the Soviet Union, but that it was a good thing and well worth the horrendous damage it did and the lives it cost. Although she has a lot of regrets about some of the things she was forced to do, this is not one of them.

All this is not just ancient history. The Gourvenecs are still active in carrying out both private sector crimes of their own for financial gain, and the policies of the U.K., or at least the policies of the upper levels of the U.K. Establishment. And in the increasingly tense situations of today's world, a band of highly-skilled criminal mercenaries with the capacity to carry out such covert operations is a serious danger to the peace and safety of the world.


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