The news recently carried a story about a series of explosions at industrial facilities in China. The official assumption is that these events were accidental. But the frequency and timing have raised some suspicions that sabotage may have been involved.
- In a country as large as China, it would be surprising if there were not any industrial accidents with some frequency. But would also be a surprise if the United States and it's British puppets were not making at least some attempt to slow down China's growth.
It is fairly well established that American Special Forces have been active inside Iran for years now, killing high-value scientists and destroying infrastructure that could be of use in construction of nuclear facilities. And the activities of the U.S. proxies in Nicaragua in the 1980s are well-documented also. Such covert acts of industrial sabotage are the rule, rather than the exception in normal peacetime relations between rival nations and have been for ages.
But in the case of Eve Martin, whom I interviewed for several hours daily for nearly two months last year, we are talking about an eyewitness giving her personal first-hand testimony of things she saw and participated in, not mere speculation or anything she heard from anyone at second or third hand. Her claim that her two uncles took her with them to Ukraine when she was a child as part of a cover story to gain access to the interior of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor control room as one portion of a British covert operation to damage the economy of the Soviet Union is first-hand witness testimony that would be admissible in a courtroom, not hearsay. As such, it should be taken far more seriously than the commonplace internet chatter by people who merely pass on allegations they have picked up from others.
This blog exists to present personal first-hand eyewitness testimony by Eve Martin of other cases in which the Gourvenec family of Sheffield, U.K. have been involved as covert agents employed by the British government to provide plausable deniability for illegal acts that would be considered acts of war if they could be traced back to the government of the U.K. - Although the two worst uncles are now dead, there still remain several younger members of the extended Gourvenec family who are still active in the family business.
- I have no idea what is happening in China and there is no point in speculation, but not much would surprise me.
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