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Sunday, 28 June 2015


Eve Martin, whom I interviewed for several hours daily over a period of nearly two months, told me her family, most of them living in Sheffield, England, are an organized crime gang who often act as mercenaries for clients, including, at times, the British government or members of the Establis​h​ment. She said she was "informally" adopted ( = kidnapped ) ​as an infant into this violently abusive family and raised to take part in their criminal operations, frequently including murders. She asserted that if she had complained to the police she would have been killed and was frequently tortured as punishment if she balked at obeying orders. 

She asserted that on one occasion her uncles decided she was expendable and attached a bomb to her in such a way that she could not remove it, then sent her off with orders to blow herself up in a crowded public place in Tel Aviv. She was able to attract the attention of the Israeli police, who got a bomb disposal expert who was able to remove it without setting it off. When she returned to England, she was tortured as punishment for not obeying orders to kill herself. 

I should mention that she has scars to back up her claims of frequent torture and violent abuse, and one of those scars backs up her  story of how the bomb was attached to her body. It is hard to see how that particular scar could have resulted from any other type of injury. 

Although she did not say so, I suspect from various other things she has told me that she probably did not tell the Israeli police who had done this to her. She is well-conditioned to cover up for her family and probably lied to the police and told them some story about having been in Israel as a tourist and was​ kidnapped by strangers. 

She has no idea who hired her relatives to fake a terrorist bombing in Israel, but obviously, if it had succeeded, the Palestinians would have been blamed and the Israeli public would have demanded retaliation. So the question is, who would stand to benefit from increased tensions and stirring up of conflict in the Middle East? 

Since her family is not Jewish or Muslim by either religion or heritage, they are not likely to have any personal interest in the region and she tells me they are not into politics and do the things they do only for money. So somebody must have paid them to fake a terrorist attack on a crowd of civilians in Israel. 

Several possibilities come to mind. One is that the clients could have been some British arms merchants who would gain by selling weapons to one or both sides. Another possibility is that some fanatical far-right faction in Israel would gain in political influence if tensions increased. 

But a third possibility is that, in view of the fact that her family has frequently acted on behalf of the British government, that it could have been the Crown that was the  client in this case. I do not know why the U.K. government would want to create more tensions in the Middle East and bring down more Israeli retaliation upon the Palestinians, but if there is any reason they wished to do so, they could hardly have chosen a better method to do it.

​Another question also comes to mind: If there was one faked terrorist attack attempted, how many others might there have been? ​How many of the alleged suicide bombings over the years have really been suicidal fanatics, as the public narative tells us, and not the result of coercion? And if there have been many such attacks that really resulted from coercion, who was it that was forcing reluctant victims into conducting such attacks? And why?



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