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Sunday, 28 June 2015


Eve Martin, whom I interviewed for several hours daily over a period of nearly two months, told me her family, most of them living in Sheffield, England, are an organized crime gang who often act as mercenaries for clients, including, at times, the British government or members of the Establis​h​ment. She said she was "informally" adopted ( = kidnapped ) ​as an infant into this violently abusive family and raised to take part in their criminal operations, frequently including murders. She asserted that if she had complained to the police she would have been killed and was frequently tortured as punishment if she balked at obeying orders. 

She asserted that on one occasion her uncles decided she was expendable and attached a bomb to her in such a way that she could not remove it, then sent her off with orders to blow herself up in a crowded public place in Tel Aviv. She was able to attract the attention of the Israeli police, who got a bomb disposal expert who was able to remove it without setting it off. When she returned to England, she was tortured as punishment for not obeying orders to kill herself. 

I should mention that she has scars to back up her claims of frequent torture and violent abuse, and one of those scars backs up her  story of how the bomb was attached to her body. It is hard to see how that particular scar could have resulted from any other type of injury. 

Although she did not say so, I suspect from various other things she has told me that she probably did not tell the Israeli police who had done this to her. She is well-conditioned to cover up for her family and probably lied to the police and told them some story about having been in Israel as a tourist and was​ kidnapped by strangers. 

She has no idea who hired her relatives to fake a terrorist bombing in Israel, but obviously, if it had succeeded, the Palestinians would have been blamed and the Israeli public would have demanded retaliation. So the question is, who would stand to benefit from increased tensions and stirring up of conflict in the Middle East? 

Since her family is not Jewish or Muslim by either religion or heritage, they are not likely to have any personal interest in the region and she tells me they are not into politics and do the things they do only for money. So somebody must have paid them to fake a terrorist attack on a crowd of civilians in Israel. 

Several possibilities come to mind. One is that the clients could have been some British arms merchants who would gain by selling weapons to one or both sides. Another possibility is that some fanatical far-right faction in Israel would gain in political influence if tensions increased. 

But a third possibility is that, in view of the fact that her family has frequently acted on behalf of the British government, that it could have been the Crown that was the  client in this case. I do not know why the U.K. government would want to create more tensions in the Middle East and bring down more Israeli retaliation upon the Palestinians, but if there is any reason they wished to do so, they could hardly have chosen a better method to do it.

​Another question also comes to mind: If there was one faked terrorist attack attempted, how many others might there have been? ​How many of the alleged suicide bombings over the years have really been suicidal fanatics, as the public narative tells us, and not the result of coercion? And if there have been many such attacks that really resulted from coercion, who was it that was forcing reluctant victims into conducting such attacks? And why?



Thursday, 25 June 2015


 Does Some Member Of Parliament Know All About The Gourvenec Crime Family? 

On 11 Oct., 2014 I sent the following email to all six Members Of Parliament from the Sheffield area.

To: Members Of Parliament From Sheffield
Re: Constituent Forced Into Government Service

For the past several months I have been trying to confirm or disprove an incredible story told me by an English woman from Sheffield whom I met in Guatemala, where she currently resides.  She describes herself as a "slave", and having been a "child soldier, and if even a small portion of her story can be substantiated, somebody at a high level in the British government could be held responsible for a multitude of human rights violations at home and terrorist attacks in other countries.  I have now collected enough evidence to justify an expanded effort of investigation.

 The case is shaping up something like this:

An extended family based in Sheffield, with some family connections to the upper levels of the nobility, but without the formal titles or real estate, has, according to my informant, for several generations acted as an unofficial but de facto secret branch of the British government, providing plausable deniability  for operations illegal under both British and international law, including sabotage, assassinations, and blackmail.

Plausible deniability - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

 I should note that she does not implicate the publicly-known SIS ( MI 6 ) and as far as I know, there is no connection between the two groups. At this time, there is no reason to believe SIS is even aware of the existence and activities of this family enterprise.

My informant, who claimed to be an adopted member of the family, said she was forced to take part in numerous illegal activities, includingf murders, from childhood on and was threatened with death if she refused or went to the police. She said that as a teen-ager, she tried on two ocassions to make complaints to the authorities and was ignored due to high-level influence.

She provided exact details of several specific instances of large-scale industrial sabotage operations and terrorist incidents in other countries which she alleged were undertaken by her relatives at the behest of unnamed government officials and commercial interests and claimed she was forced to take part. She said she was beaten and tortured by her relatives numerous times if she objected to these operations and was threatened with death if she revealed their secrets. She also said that on at least one occassion the Official Secrets Act was invoked.

She also stated that one of her uncles was once diagnosed as a psychopath and remanded to a psychiatric institution, but then released despite a court order of commitment being still in effect. This implies influence over either the courts or the public health authorities.

Even though the two worst uncles are now dead, she lives in fear of her remaining family and now, at age 41, was compelled to beg permission from them to be allowed to leave England. She is convinced it would be impossible to escape from the country without their permission because they can access immigration and airline computers and could have her detained at the airport. Such a capability implies a high-level connection to the State security apparatus and is far beyond the ability of a mere criminal gang. 

This woman suffers from serious guilt feelings from the things she was forced to do, but in daily detailed and extended conversations over a period of nearly two months, she sounded otherwise perfectly rational and not at all schizophrenic. I was initially quite skeptical of her story, but I have managed to dig up several bits of independent evidence that corrorborate it and now regard her story of being a modern Janissary to be mostly true, though she still tries to conceal important facts to protect her abusers. This ambivalence is common in people raised in abusive homes or in cults that practice mind control techniques and I beliueve she would benefit from Exit Counseling of the sort that has been developed to help former cult members disengage themselves from such groups. If she herself were to be charged with any criminal offenses for crimes undertaken on orders from her relatives, I believe a court would accept a plea of diminished responsibility. 

Stockholm Syndrome: The Psychological Mystery of Loving ...

She has forgiven the younger family members she calls her "brothers" for even the most outrageous abuses, including violent assaults, torture, attempting to kill her, the deaths of two of her children, and an assault that caused her to have a miscarriage.

On one occasion one of her uncles decided she was expendable and attached a bomb to her in such a way that she could not remove it and sent her off with orders to detonate it in a crowed public place in Israel. She was able to alert the Israeli security authorities and they brough in a bomb disposal expert who was able to remove it without blowing her up. She still returned home and submitted to torture as punishment for not following orders. Her body has numerous scars indicating torture.

She is grateful to her family for having protected her in many situations, even though she would never have been in those situations if not for them, and is full of praise for how they take care of her but fails to see their "concern" for her is conditional upon her behavior conforming to their demands. This is typical of victims in abusive relationships and mind control cults and is sometimes refered to as "Stockholm Syndrome".

  She claims that she was frequently forced to sleep with strangers, starting from around the age of 7 or 8 as bait in a "honey trap", entraping wealthy or influencial individuals in politics or the entertainment industry into illegal sex which was secretly videotaped for future blackmail. As she grew up, she recognized some of these men from the news media, including some members of Parliament.

She says she became pregnant and gave birth to a child at the age of 14 and the infant was taken from her and thereafter it's whereabouts was not disclosed to her but her relatives used threats to kill her child as a means to control her. This is partly confirmed by stretch marks indicating at least one full-term pregnancy.

She says she was trained as an assassin by one of her uncles and she displays a high level of skill in offensive aspects of unarmed combat such as might be considered useful for an assassin or commando, but no knowledge at all of even the most basic defensive measures, which are usually taught first in civilian martial arts courses.

She is now 41 years of age and this is the first time she has been allowed out on her own, having been allowed to leave England only after convincing a family meeting she could be trusted to keep their secrets. She is still in fear of her relatives and is afraid to return to the U.K. for fear of being tortured or killed or never being allowed to leave it again.

  I am continuing to gather evidence on this government-sponsored criminal operation and plan to eventually post it on a website, but I am not quite certain what else to do with it. If the family has protection at a high enough level that the police and Crown Prosecution Service will not take action, what steps can you suggest? Can you tell me, please, whom to contact and what procedures to follow? Any advice or information will be appreciated.
Sincerely,Paul Finnegan

Note that I did NOT mention the name of the family. That name is, Gourvenec

The addresses I sent it to include:

Within 48 hours after I sent it, my Linkedin profile on the Linkedin account I have in the pen name I used to sign the e-mail was viewed by somebody named Gourvenec, in the UK. From this I deduce that one ( at least ) of the recipients of my e-mail knew the Gourvenec family and knew enough of what they do to know from my description whom I meant.

 If the story this woman told me was something she made up and her relatives were only normal, innocent, law-abiding middle class people, nobody who happened to know them would have made any connection between them and this e-mail or thought to tell them of this e-mail.

The story I was told is thereby proven to be true and at least one of the people I sent the e-mail to is aware of the criminal activities of the Gourvenecs. Some MP or an aide to an MP is complicit in state-sponsored terrorism and multiple cases of murder and human rights violations by the Gourvenecs. 


Tuesday, 16 June 2015


Eve Martin told me that contrary to the official story of the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden, British intelligence had known his whereabouts for years and several British agents were stationed in his compound at various times. She stated that she and several other British agents had been regular visitors to his compound for at least seven years, coming and going frequently between his headquarters and the U.K. Eve said she had been sent there by her relatives and while there gave birth to a daughter. She did not say who the child's father was. The child was kept there as a hostage to ensure Eve would return from her trips back to the U.K. Another British female agent was also in residence and took over the task of taking care of the child when Eve was away. One of Eve's stepbrothers was also stationed there at least part of the time.

Apparently something went wrong with the relationship between the British team and OBL, and OBL blinded, then killed the child and also killed the other British woman. He then attacked Eve and was about to kill her when her stepbrother shot him. Just before he died, Eve gouged out one of his eyes in retaliation for his having blinded her daughter, but he died before she could gouge out the other eye. 

Eve then phoned the American Embassy and told them OBL was dead. They then staged the raid to account for his death and cover up the fact that Western intelligence had known all along where he was.

The British Foreign Office wanting to deny the presence of British agents in the compound of OBL for years and any connection with the Gourvenec clan, refused to help the survivors of the British team leave Pakistan, but the Americans refused to go along with that and gave them passage out of the country. The British agent who shot and killed OBL now lives in Palo Alto, California.
